Who are we

Digital Plague Doctors, founded by a group of dedicated malware analysis enthusiasts. Our website is for sharing insights, research, and strategies on malware analysis and cybersecurity, aimed at empowering professionals and enthusiasts alike to better understand and defend against evolving digital threats.


Lena Yu (LambdaMamba)

Lena is a malware analyst and researcher from Japan, and the Chief Research Officer (CRO) of Malcore. She is also the author of the ANY.RUN malware analysis articles, and the creator and designer of Malwaremon.

She has investigated several cyber threats including the Roaming Mantis Smishing Campaigns, IPFS phishing campaigns and international scam operations, and has written numerous articles for open-source education. She has also created the MARC I (Malware Analysis Report Competition), fostering contributions to open-source education in malware analysis.

She has published papers at Virus Bulletin, and has spoken at events such as BSides Vancouver, IEICE Technical Committee on Computer Systems, AVTokyo, Nippon CSIRT Association, etc. on topics related to computer systems, phishing, malware analysis, and threat hunting. Additionally, she has played a role in organizing and teaching at various cybersecurity events. Before venturing into malware analysis, Lena was a low-level developer specializing in computer architecture and RISC-V TEE research.

Wei-Chieh Chao (oalieno)

Wei-Chieh Chao, also known by the alias oalieno, serves as a security researcher on the Research Team at CyCraft. His primary focus lies in malware analysis and sandbox technology. He earned his master’s degree in Cyber Security from National Taiwan University. He has presented at several conferences, including HITCON, CodeBlue, IEEE DSC, and SECCON. Additionally, he was a member of the BambooFox CTF team at NCTU, where he has competed in numerous CTF competitions, securing the 12th and 2nd places at DEFCON 26 and 27, respectively, as part of the BFS and BFKinesiS CTF teams. He also successfully completed the Flareon9 reverse engineering challenge in 2022.

Tien-Chih Lin (Dange Lin)

Tien-Chih Lin, commonly known as Dange Lin, is a senior cybersecurity researcher at CyCraft Technology. His expertise spans a diverse range of areas including automotive security, cloud security, machine learning, and threat intelligence analysis and currently leads the Automotive Security team at CyCraft Technology. He takes an active role in the cybersecurity community and has delivered speeches in multiple seminars including Black Hat Europe Arsenal, HITCON, ECCWS and CYBERSEC.

Neumann Lim

Neumann Lim is a manager at Odlum Brown where he leads the defense against criminals and state sponsored actors targeting the financial industry. Prior to this role, Neumann spent several years working with large enterprises and governments specializing in digital forensics and incident response investigating some of Canada’s largest data breaches from 2018-2023.

With more than 15 years of infosec experience, he has delivered numerous cyber risk assessments, coordinated national incident responses across multiple industries. Neumann has been invited to share his research and thought leadership at many security conferences such as Grayhat Con, DefCon BlueTeam Village, HTCIA, BSides, Toronto CISO Summit and CCTX.